woman with a tablet exiting the network server room

What Senior High School Strand is Management Information Systems?

Management Information Systems combines business and information technology. This field promises great career opportunities but it’s a challenging discipline to study. Make sure you’re up for the challenge of MIS with the right senior high school education. Let’s discuss what senior high school strand is management information systems.

In this article, we’ll talk about what Management Information Systems is about, the best strand to prepare for this field of study, and how to choose the best strand for you.

What is Management Information Systems?

Management Information Systems is the study of information systems and their applications for organizations. MIS professionals map out business processes and design information systems tailored to a team’s needs. This field is integral for businesses operating in the digital world.

Management Information Systems makes it possible for businesses to store, organize, and easily access information. A well-designed information system allows managers to access information quickly so they can make better decisions. The ability to access accurate and timely information is a competitive edge in a fast-paced business environment.

A competent MIS professional is a valuable asset for businesses in all industries. They can help improve operational efficiency, gather accurate information, and leverage information for marketing campaigns and better services.

Management Information Systems graduates may choose from a variety of career paths, including:

  • Business analyst
  • IT manager
  • Web developer
  • Systems analyst
  • Database manager
  • Information security analyst

MIS professionals need a solid grasp of both business processes and computing knowledge because the profession is mainly concerned with building these two. You can probably already see that MIS is a tedious profession, but if you love technology, you’ll find that choosing the right strand can help you prepare for this course.

What Strand Should I Take for MIS?

study group session

Online senior high schools in the Philippines offer a selection of strands that focus on specialized areas of study. Each strand prepares students for studying and pursuing a course in either the sciences, humanities, social sciences, or business.

The available strands are:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
  • Accounting, Business, and Management (ABM)
  • Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
  • General Academic Strand (GAS)
  • Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL)

You may think there is a clear and obvious choice of strand for management information systems in SHS, but you’ll be surprised to learn that there are a few options available. As we consider the different possible strands for MIS, it’s important to remember that this field marries business and information technology. Check out your options:

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

The most obvious strand for those who want to pursue a career in IT is the STEM strand. This strand focuses on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – all of which are vital in MIS. This is why MIS is one of the careers in the STEM strand.

The STEM strand introduces students to fundamental and advanced concepts in physical sciences and mathematics. These classes build on their technical knowledge and abilities to apply information to real-world problems. Students are encouraged to explore and experiment, cultivating their creativity and resilience when faced with new challenges.

So, while MIS students may not have direct use of biology and chemistry in their professional careers, their love for experimentation and resilience will empower them to find creative solutions to various business problems.

The “T” in STEM stands for “technology,” which means that SHS students also take classes that focus on the impact of technology in society. These classes aim to shape students’ perspectives on how technology impacts daily life, including business processes.

STEM students can expect to develop these competencies:

logical brain conceptualization
  • Logical thinking
  • Analytical thinking
  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Communication skills
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Collaboration skills

The STEM strand hones students’ aptitude in the sciences and innovative thinking, which would be useful in the field of MIS. Take this SHS strand if you want to develop these competencies that could help you weather the challenges in MIS.

Accounting, Business, and Management

The ABM strand is another possible SHS strand for MIS. Management Information Systems requires a solid background in business and management since professionals need to integrate information systems into business processes. Thus, the strand for business management can offer substantial development for students wishing to study MIS.

Professionals in MIS must understand how businesses operate and know how to analyze business problems before they can identify potential solutions. The ABM strand can provide students with a strong foundation in business and management to empower them to better understand how to apply IT-solutions to business problems.

The ABM strand also hones relevant skills for future MIS students. SHS students under this strand are challenged to think critically, analyze, and apply their knowledge to real-world problems. Thus, they can find creative solutions, which would be a useful skill in MIS.

The strand also helps develop students’ communication and interpersonal skills. Students learn to communicate their ideas verbally and in written form. They have opportunities to speak with peers or to audiences, as well as to explore various topics through research.

As students start working as MIS professionals, it quickly becomes evident that communication and interpersonal skills are important. They’ll find themselves working with teams, communicating with higher-ups or clients, and writing reports. Eloquence, even as they communicate highly technical topics in layman’s terms, is paramount.

Similar to STEM, the ABM strand zeroes in on one aspect of Management Information System – the business aspect. A background in ABM means that students no longer need to struggle with courses related to ABM in college. Instead, they can focus all their energy toward mastering Management Information Systems.

Technical Vocational Livelihood – Information and Communication Technology

working entrepreneur

The TVL-ICT track is another SHS strand that can prepare students for MIS. The curriculum for this strand is focused on ICT. It is designed to train students so they can qualify for work immediately after graduating SHS. What this means is that students will learn practical skills and knowledge with this SHS strand for Management Information Systems.

The TVL-ICT strand is directly related to Management Information Systems. Here, students learn programming and other ICT subjects. However, students also take classes in physical sciences, math, and entrepreneurship. So, while its focus is on enhancing IT-related skills, students also develop creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills through their exposure to other fields of study.

The strand also helps enhance students’ communication skills. Students also have classes dedicated to refine their speaking skills and writing abilities. They’ll be challenged to conduct research on topics that interest them and write compelling papers about it. So, when they do enter the workforce, they are more than capable of communicating with co-workers and clients and writing reports.

With this strand, you’ll develop these skills:

  • Logical thinking
  • Analytical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Collaboration skills

Take the TVL-ICT strand if you want to acquire the technical skills and knowledge relevant to Management Information Systems.

General Academic Strand

GAS is another great choice for those who are not quite 100% sure about pursuing Management Information Systems. The General Academic Strand touches on all subject matters, introducing students to fundamentals of physical sciences, mathematics, humanities, social sciences, business management, accounting, and information technology.

Students who take on GAS have a well-rounded development. They have substantial knowledge about both business management and information technology, so they would not have difficulties taking on complex classes in MIS.

Furthermore, their exposure to the humanities and social sciences allows them to develop a unique perspective on people and their behavior, which can serve as a competitive advantage when MIS professionals are faced with the challenge of designing systems for human use.

Like MIS, GAS is at the intersection between multiple fields of study, making it a great SHS strand for students who want to pursue a career in this industry.

Choosing the Right SHS Strand for MIS

There are a few strand options for management information systems in SHS, which is why it’s even more important to reflect carefully about what you want out of your senior high education.

Each SHS strand offers a specific focus or area of study, as well as unique skill sets. You may dig deeper in our guide to all strands in senior high, but it would help you to decide which is the best strand for you by considering which area of MIS you want to cultivate during SHS.

Be Prepared for College with OEd SHS

student using a laptop

We hope that this article helped you decide what strand you should take for MIS. Whichever SHS strand you decide to take, you can guarantee that OEd SHS, one of the top providers of online learning in the Philippines, will provide you with the best education.

Start your journey to Management Information Systems with OEd SHS. Don’t hesitate to send us a message if you have any questions about our senior high school strands.



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