male student tossing a soccer ball

Remote Learning: The Advantages of Online Senior High School for Student Athletes

Balancing schedules between sports and school is a challenging task. This is why the benefits of online high school for athletes are so important, as it opens new opportunities for you to chase after your dreams.

As a student-athlete, pursuing your passion for sports while maintaining your academic obligations is difficult. Often, you sacrifice one for the other, and usually, it’s your academic standing that suffers. Once your game’s season starts, school fades into the background and becomes an afterthought.

However, with the rise of online learning in the Philippines, you can now pursue your athletic dreams while staying on top of your studies. Whether your plan is to chase after a career in sports or a career in a different field, studying remotely will help you manage your schedule better without sacrificing any aspect of your life.

So, what are the benefits of online senior high school for athletes?

Have More Time to Train More

One of the greatest online senior high school benefits for student-athletes is that you have more time for training. With online learning, you can plan out your day according to the schedule of your training or your games.

Need to train in the afternoon? You can schedule your classes in the morning. Have a game every Friday? Set your classes from Monday to Thursday.

No matter what it is, you can set plans and events around your training sessions. This way, you won’t miss out on any important skill-building activities be it for your sport or for school.

Never Miss School Again

If you’re a student-athlete, you’ve probably experienced falling behind in your classes because of your training and game schedules. Well, since you can control your schedule with online learning, you never have to miss school again!

Remote learning allows you to catch up on any classes you may have missed because of your erratic training and game schedules. You can even attend classes on the road while during away games.

You can eliminate rushing to school and choose to continue learning wherever you may be. All you need is a good Wi-Fi connection and a working laptop, then you’re good to go! Failing classes due to absences won’t be a reason since you’ll be able to attend them no matter where you are.

Having the luxury of time is one of the greatest benefits for online senior high school student-athletes.

Reach New Academic Heights

In the past, balancing sports and academia is close to impossible, and student-athletes are usually forced to choose one to prioritize. Either they stop being in the varsity to raise their grades for their classes, or they settle for barely passing marks in those classes to pursue athletic excellence.

With online learning, you won’t have to choose between these two major aspects of your life. Being able to organize your schedule will give you more time to study even while your game season is ongoing.

For example, let’s say you’re a basketball player who wishes to pursue a career in engineering after high school. Normally, you would have to choose an easier and unrelated course just to get by with your studies.

Well, with remote studying, you won’t have to give up on your dream to be an engineer! You can take your time and have fun playing the sport that you love, while still having the capability of preparing for the career path you set for yourself.

With the wide range of courses available in online learning, you can choose the best classes that will benefit the career you intend to pursue. Preparations for college will be much more manageable with the flexibility that comes with studying remotely.

You can push your limits with online learning and excel in both your athletic and academic passions.

student athlete achieving her academic goals

Worry Less and Sleep Better

Even though juggling sports and academic excellence is difficult, like most student-athletes, you still try your best to do both.

Can you imagine the day of a student-athlete?

You wake up early in the morning to attend two to three-hour-long training sessions, then rush to school right after to attend a full day of classes. Then after that, you have to attend another training session before going home to study.

Having this kind of day-to-day schedule is stressful. It puts a lot of pressure on you physically and mentally, and this type of stress is what can lead you to quit one of your passions.

Studying remotely can alleviate all the unnecessary stresses of hectic days. Since you’re able to organize your schedule, you can set specific days when you can focus on one thing without having to worry about the other. Online learning can ultimately help you take care better care of your overall well-being.

Build Better Relationships

With the hectic schedules of sports and school, student-athletes usually lack time cultivating personal relationships. You usually leave the house early and go home late because of training schedules. You barely have time to hang out with family, much less with friends.

One of the advantages of studying remotely is that schools usually build online communities and platforms where students and teachers can interact with one another. And since everything is done virtually, you won’t have to worry about not being able to attend in-person meetups since you can talk through digital platforms.

Participating in online communities will encourage you to work with fellow classmates and have a conversation with your teachers that you would usually miss if your only mode of communication is in-person. With online schooling, athletes can potentially enjoy more opportunities for friendships that they otherwise wouldn’t have had the time for.

Lessen Expenses

Pursuing two passions can be costly since you’re paying for both your education and any sports-related activities.

One of the advantages of online learning is that the tuition is generally less costly since you’re not using school facilities. Plus, you can cut down on transportation and food costs, so you can save your allowance. You or your parents can allot the money you saved from those other expenses and invest them in your studies or to upgrade your sports equipment.

Still Wondering How Online High School Can Benefit Athletes?

Well, wonder no more! Investing in online learning can enrich your experiences as you go through senior high school. Enjoy the best of both worlds of performing as an athlete and excelling as a student without sacrificing other aspects of your life.

The flexibility of studying remotely can help you organize your schedule and can open more opportunities for you to pursue as you traverse through life.

Learning with OEd Senior High School

Now that you know the benefits of online senior high school for student-athletes, choose us to be your partners in success!

Here at OEd, we offer high-quality programs for online senior high school students in the Philippines. Our courses ensure that you will receive the best education that equips you with the knowledge and skills needed as you move on with your career as a professional in the sports industry or elsewhere.

As a student-athlete, you can expect that our learning community is here to help and stimulate your academic life as you seek athletic excellence.

Contact us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you establish your future!



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