TVL student

Choose the best course in college under TVL for you!

Choosing the right course for college starts with choosing the track during senior high school. Students enrolled in the Technical Vocational Livelihood track during their senior high school education may enjoy the benefits of the TVL track such as earlier employment opportunities and better marketability in the workplace, but that does not mean that there is a shortage of TVL track courses in college available for their enrollment. If you are interested in taking TVL but are unsure of the technical vocational livelihood track courses available in college, then this is the perfect article for you. Read on and discover what the possible courses in TVL are once you enroll in college.

I thought that TVL track graduates do not need to go to college to gain employment?

Like any senior high education, the TVL track produces graduates that have an improved readiness for the workplace. However, enrolling in technical vocational livelihood courses after senior high won’t hurt when it comes to increasing your marketability as an employee because of the chance to build on your existing skills and knowledge. Think of the available TVL track courses as opportunities to begin focusing on specific specializations that you wish to pursue as you progress further into your career.

Below are some of the possible TVL track courses in college that you can choose from!

Become an Expert in All Things Digital with BS Computer Science

With technology constantly changing the state of the digital realm, students enrolled in this course can expect to gain a deeper understanding of how computer systems and data networks work in our day to day. From simple data solutions that allow us to carry out daily tasks like online shopping and groceries, to more complex data systems that safeguard our assets and information such as cyber security for our banking and personal documents, Computer Science is a versatile college course with many applications.

Students under this college course will gain necessary skills in programming, UX design, software engineering, machine learning, and many more. This course can open up a student’s opportunities immensely, with data being the backbone of most industries today. Whether you are the next creator of an award-winning app, or you want to contribute meaningfully to an enterprise by providing digital solutions, the job market is rife with opportunity for a graduate of this course.

Pick this TVL Track Course for College If: You are passionate about the role that technology and data play in today’s global landscape, or you simply enjoy working and developing programs that solve problems faced by users on the daily.

Help Save Lives with BS Medical Technology

Taking the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) strand is not the only path to getting into medicine! Students from the TVL strand can still find themselves joining the ranks of other medical professionals by enrolling in BS Medical Technology as their technical vocational livelihood course of choice. More fondly known as MedTech, graduates of the BS Medical Technology program give TVL students much needed skills and knowledge for running and interpreting laboratory tests used by doctors and surgeons as the basis for diagnosis and treatment.

Medical technicians play just as big of a role as any medical professional in saving the lives of their patients, and their familiarity with technology is pivotal to exercising accuracy and confidence when conducting tests and procedures. Fulfill your dreams of working in the medical field even if you opted out of the STEM strand!

Pick this TVL Track Course for College If: You have always wanted to work in medicine, but found yourself taking TVL instead of STEM. Medicine is a fulfilling and meaningful career, and think of TVL as another path towards your end goal!

Express Your Creativity with BA Graphic Design

AB Multimedia Arts, or BS Digital Illustration and Animation, this TVL track course in college is one of the most versatile options for the creative and artistically inclined. From working with programmers to creating pleasant user-friendly interfaces, and producing stunning magazine covers and advertisements, graduates of this course can go into a diverse range of industries once they finish their college education. Students can enter into the colorful industry of animation, producing beloved TV shows and movies. On the other hand, graduates can also climb the corporate ladder by joining ad agencies or marketing departments to sell their next big idea for a print ad or digital commercial.

Like many other possible courses in TVL, your versatility and flexibility, as well as a background in technology, will become your biggest assets when you enroll into this course.

Pick this TVL Track Course for College If: You love applying yourself creatively and artistically with digital mediums. Even students with more traditional art backgrounds may find themselves enjoying the utilities that these digital mediums provide, and you can express yourself and your ideas in a format that can be appreciated all over the world by way of the internet.

Be Your Own Boss with BS Entrepreneurship

ABM isn’t the only senior high track that allows you to be your own boss. A degree in Entrepreneurship is actually well within reach for a graduate of the TVL strand. Graduates of the TVL strand can combine their hobbies with their learnings from their TVL education. Fond of cooking? Start a restaurant with amazing marketing strategies that entice people to order food for delivery. More confident with programming? Create an amazing UX that allows customers to view your inventory or menu. Whatever product you are selling, there is no doubt that your versatile TVL background will give you the edge you need to get ahead of the competition.

Pick this TVL Track Course for College If: You have always considered yourself to be a business-minded individual. While the TVL track may not have the same depth of mathematical and financial study in its curriculum, the track definitely equips its students with both hard and soft skills that can turn any student into a versatile and capable business owner. When it comes to entrepreneurship, flexibility is the name of the game.

These four courses are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what courses are possible with TVL once you enter college. We hope that this short guide opened you eyes to the endless possibilities that you may not have known were there. If you are eyeing the TVL strand for senior high, check out what the course has to offer here.



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