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Find ICT strand jobs that suit you best!

When it comes to jobs in the ICT field, the Philippine landscape for employment is rife with opportunity. Because of our country’s strategic location and our people’s amicable personalities, ventures both local and global have put down roots in major cities all over the nation. From online retailers to restauranteurs, there is no shortage of businesses that rely on technical and data-driven expertise. The ICT strand in senior high school prepares SHS graduates to be the thinkers, doers, and problem solvers behind these technical operations so they are ready to make a difference in jobs under ICT.

What are the job opportunities for ICT graduates?

ICT graduates are lucky to have some of the widest employment landscapes to choose from because of the world’s ever-changing technological advances. As the world becomes more and more of a global village, jobs in ICT only continue to grow. If you are an ICT graduate, or a student looking to take ICT in senior high, we have compiled a few ICT strand jobs that you can look forward to after graduating.

1. Computer Programmer

Do you speak in code? Does the ID of creating and running programs excite you? Then you may want to apply for an ICT job as a computer programmer. Programming has become the lifeblood for many users who rely on various computer programs and apps for their day-to-day tasks. Many businesses also count on their programmers to bridge the gap and smoothen operations when interfacing with customers by creating UX-geared applications for their delivery and online shopping needs. Pick up coding skills from ICT and code your way to success!

Average salary: ₱205,048 / year

2. Business Analyst

Job opportunities for ICT graduates are as diverse as they are technical. And part of what makes their jobs so specialized is the necessary knowledge and training it takes to understand and interpret data. Business analysts take this specialization one step further by analyzing raw data (usually from the business or organization they are employed in) and interpreting them to report significant market trends and suggest business solutions to better achieve company-wide goals such as net profit, ROI, and other metrics. As one of the most lucrative jobs in ICT, a business analyst is a great profession that can make a big difference in any corporation they are hired by.

Average salary: ₱615,600 / year

3. Systems Analyst

Do you consider yourself a determinator? Or maybe your friends come to you for their problems? A systems analyst is a job under ICT that require an immense amount of focus and determination to troubleshoot and solve any problems in a business operation process. By using their expertise in coding, operating systems, and hardware, systems analysts can help corporations find the best software solutions to achieve business goals and streamline organizational processes. Systems analysts are also expected to act as the bridge between IT-savvy stakeholders and non-IT personnel in the organization they belong to. If you enjoy working with both tech and people, then a systems analyst may be the perfect job in the ICT field for you!

Average salary: ₱483,917 / year

4. IT Support Specialist

One of the best ways to use your ICT expertise is to share your knowledge with others. An IT support specialist specializes in doing just that! Also known as IT engineers and technical support managers, the men and women serving as IT support specialists are the backbone of any organization when it comes to the various technical needs of the company. IT support specialists can provide both internal and external support, overseeing hardware and software users within the organization or helping customers troubleshoot any system or server problems remotely or in person. With this position being a must for almost any corporation, IT support specialists are one of the most abundant job opportunities for ICT strand graduates looking for stable and meaningful employment.

Average Salary: ₱222,641 / year

5. Data Scientist

When you think of the word ‘scientist’, what usually comes to mind is imagery of white lab coats, test tubes, and microscopes. But as the world continues to advance technologically, the scientific field has also expanded beyond the realm of just the physical. This development has allowed scientists to rise as a possible job in the ICT field. Data scientists usually start out as data analysts—but professionals that go on to become data scientists also perform more complex duties beyond the interpretation of raw data and code. Data scientists go on to build complex programs, like behavioral models and even artificial intelligence that programs or tech can use as a basis for their operation. Program protocols and responses that can shape technology and continuously push the envelope of what data can do.

Average Salary: ₱850,000 / year

These five job titles are only a few of the many job opportunities ICT graduates can apply for. With the Philippines being such an economically strategic country that has been populated by BPOs and call centers that serve firms from all over the world, there are plenty of jobs in ICT that are just waiting for qualified and capable candidates. If you are a junior high graduate considering a career in the ICT field, prepare yourself for success by taking up ICT in an online learning program for SHS students!



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