female doctor

SHS Strands for College: What Strand Should I Take if I Want to be A Doctor in the Philippines?

Doctors are one of the most important professionals in our society. They are responsible for preventing and treating illnesses, allowing people to live healthier, better, and longer. Indeed, it is among the noblest professions, but it is also a demanding one.

With lives on the line, doctors undergo extensive education and training that takes a decade or more to complete.

If you want to become a doctor, you should start preparing as early as senior high, so you can thrive in college and medical school. So, what strand you should take if you want to be a doctor in the Philippines?

Becoming A Doctor in the Philippines

A doctor is someone who, after years of training, diagnoses and treats illnesses and injuries. This profession involves listening to patients, observing and analyzing information available, interpreting laboratory results, and then prescribing medication or treatments, as well as performing procedures.

To become a doctor, an individual must have extensive knowledge of the human body and how it works, as well as other sciences. They must apply their knowledge in the administration of treatments. This is why, to become a doctor in the Philippines, you must go through an extensive process:

  • Bachelor’s Degree related to medicine (4 years)
  • Review and take the National Medical Admission Test (< 1 year)
  • Medical school (3 years)
  • Hospital exposure as junior intern, then post-graduate intern (2 years)
  • Review and take the Physician Licensure Examination (< 1 year)
  • Residency Training Program (3-6 years, depending on the specialization)

They may also study further to acquire specializations. After years of training, doctors are also expected to be constantly updated on the latest developments in their field. Especially in the field of medicine, wherein there are constant developments that help doctors better treat their patients.

Doctors do not only need scientific knowledge, however. They must also have compassion, empathy, and awareness of social issues if they want to be good doctors.

With such a long journey ahead, having a strong educational foundation from senior high school will be an advantage for students. You may be curious now, “What strand should I take if I want to be a doctor in the Philippines?”

What Strand is Medicine in Senior High?

Medicine involves biology, chemistry, physics, and even mathematics. As a medical student, you will have to study and remember a lot of things. As a doctor, you have to apply your knowledge of these sciences to the unique condition and concerns of each patient.

How can you prepare for this? You can start with the STEM strand in senior high school. This strand will provide you the necessary knowledge and abilities that will help you excel in college, medical school, and eventually, as a doctor.

doctor strand

What is the STEM Strand?

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This senior high strand focuses on nurturing students’ curiosity and aptitude for the hard sciences. Expect to dive into these major subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • Earth Science
  • Statistics
  • Calculus
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Communication
  • Practical Research

You will be taught scientific terminologies, concepts, and theories, put theory into practice, and through experiments, develop your curiosity, analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills.

With the STEM strand, you’ll be able to apply your knowledge to real-world problems. This is an ability that will be useful in medicine.

Although the STEM strand focuses on the sciences, our online learning program in the Philippines also offers a balance of soft skills. Our STEM strand also includes subjects in social sciences, politics, philosophy, and literature. These will help you form an open-minded and compassionate attitude to complement your hard skills.

Why choose the STEM strand if you want to become a doctor? This SHS strand for future doctors will shape you into a learner and individual with the aptitude for the rigors of medical school. Here, you’ll learn:

  • To be resilient and adaptable
  • Think outside the box
  • Conduct experiments and research
  • Write reports and other academic requirements
  • Articulate your ideas clearly in oral presentations

The knowledge and proficiencies you’ll gain in the STEM strand in SHS will help you thrive not only in college but also in medical school.

What to Expect If I Take STEM as Doctor Strand in Senior High

With a focus on the hard sciences, you will become used to the nature of scientific study. You’ll be familiar with the basic foundations of science subjects, which should help you in college.

Ideally, your STEM background should give you an advantage in getting into the college and course of your choice. With a strong foundation, you’ll deepen your knowledge and harness the potential to excel in the different branches of medicine.

Once in medical school, you’ll be expected to know the basics. With your background, you should be able to keep up with a fast-paced learning environment.

Everything you’ve learned in your STEM strand in SHS will support you in your journey to becoming a doctor in the Philippines.

Is STEM Strand and Medicine the Right Path for Me?

Becoming a doctor is one of the most popular dreams Filipinos have as children. However, many grow up to realize that it is not for them, while others realize that it takes too long and is expensive.

If you have reached this point still wanting to be a doctor, you must really want to be a medical practitioner. But if you’re not 100% sure, these questions should help you:

  • Are you ready to study for another 10 years after senior high?
  • Are you willing to learn continuously even after graduating?
  • Are you interested in working in the medical field, be it in the hospital, a clinic, or in a community?
  • Are you ready for the challenge of working in a fast-paced, high-stakes environment?
  • Do you want to be part of a team of health practitioners?
  • Are you willing to listen to the stories and ailments of each patient?
  • Do you feel strongly about furthering research in the field?

If you answered yes to these questions, then you may be on the right path. Choosing the doctor strand in senior high should shape you into the ideal medical student, and eventually, a brilliant doctor.

female and male doctors

My Future After STEM and Medical School

It’s no secret that medical school and becoming an actual doctor is quite stressful. Working in the healthcare industry involves long hours, after all.

With that said, there are plenty of employment opportunities for you regardless of your specialization. Here are some:

  • You may work in a hospital or a few hospitals.
  • You may hold your own clinic or a clinic with a group of medical practitioners.
  • You may work as a company physician.
  • You may join a non-profit organization and be a field or community doctor.
  • You may become a professor and teach future doctors.

Start Your Journey to Becoming a Doctor with OEd Senior High School

Medicine is a highly technical field. For this reason, the best SHS strand for doctor is the STEM strand. Senior high school is the perfect time to shape students into analytical, creative thinkers.

At OEd Senior High School, STEM strand helps students reach their full potential. Their senior high education will prepare them for the challenges that await them in their journey. The STEM strand will serve as a crucial foundation that will help them achieve a fulfilling career in medicine or in other jobs in STEM strand.

Contact us to learn more about our STEM strand.



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